Here’s a very serious and deep question for you…
Have you ever met a woman who seemed like that “special” or “perfect” woman — the kind most men secretly dream about finding one day?
You know, she was probably friendly, energetic, and full of life, right?
And if you were lucky, maybe she even had an amazing rack and a great ass to go along with it.
Yes, that’s only ten times deeper than Shakespeare. I know.
And from the very moment you met, she seemed really interested in you. She initiated all the conversations with you, complimented you, and even touched you a lot.
So you didn’t have to worry about what you were going to say or do.
And you didn’t have to worry about getting rejected.
Basically, she did all the work for you.
It was great!
You’d never had it this easy with a woman before.
What luck!
In fact, just being around her made you feel like “the man”.
And then something happened:
You started developing “feelings” for her and considered that maybe she was “the one”. So you got it into your head to pursue “something further” with her.
But that’s when something changed:
FIRST, she didn’t seem the least bit interested in any kind of romantic relationship with you. In fact, she seemed to do everything to avoid getting into any kind of discussion about it.
And when you wanted to get together, she’d just flake out.
SECOND, you slowly realized that she treated most guys EXACTLY the same way she treated you. She gave others guys just as much attention and she touched them just much as she touched you!
What’s up with that?
Did she not feel the same way about you as the way you felt about her?
And maybe that’s about the time it hits you like an Acme anvil falling hundreds of stories, landing on your head and crushing you into the ground like a pancake:
She’s a cock tease and you fell victim to her cock teasing!
At least, that’s something like how it went for me before I learned the answer to this question:
“Why Do Women Cock Tease?”
Are they cruel, heartless bitches just out to make mush out of men’s hearts and turn their worlds into living Hell-zones?
Men do that to themselves.
Do they do it to confuse and baffle men so they’ll spend endless hours musing over what they could have possibly done “wrong” and beating themselves up for making a “mistake”?
Again, men do that to themselves.
Isn’t it almost funny how us men sometimes like to look for complex solutions in the simplest of problems?
It seems to be the same when it comes women and cock teasing.
So the answer to why do women cock tease is much simpler than our logical, “seek the explanation and the profound meaning of the universe, and then role it into one single understandable equation” brains may, at first, like to acknowledge.
In fact, there are four VERY SIMPLE reasons why women cock tease:
REASON #1: To Get an Ego Boost by Impressing Other Women
Before we go into this one, let’s first look at the male equivalent…
Guys who aren’t good with women tend to admire those who are — or at least they admire those who seem to be getting “favorable” responses from women.
But with many of them, if you look deeper, you’ll notice something very interesting…
Many of these guys use their skills with women more to give themselves an ego boost or to prove to other guys how “suave” they are. Somehow they think that just because they can attract or seduce women when other guys can’t, that makes them special.
The foolish boys!
Of course, until you’re good with women yourself, this may be a tough realization to make.
Isn’t it funny how when someone has an ability or can get or do something we can’t, we sometimes look up to them and give them “authority”?
And what do they do with it?
Well, the really insecure, approval-seeking ones milk it to get as much attention as they can!
Oh, do they ever.
Well, it’s EXACTLY same with women who cock tease…
Cock teasing causes the majority of men to gravitate to women.
Like Pick-Up Artists, cock teases are addicted to getting attention from the opposite sex so they can have other women look up to them for their “superior femininity”, which finally allows them to feel good about themselves.
See, all the inexperienced women see a woman who cock teases continually surrounded by men, wanting her attention.
Since they wish they were surrounded by men too, they assume she’s got something they don’t.
And based on that, these women will look up to her as more feminine than them. While others will get envious, especially if they’re cock teasing a guy that woman is interested in.
So why do women cock tease?
Sometimes, it’s about getting attention from other women.
Of course, the real self-confident women who are clued in, the ones you want to be in a great relationship with, secretly laugh at how silly cock teases are for needing others to build their esteem for them.
So if you buy into cock teasing, you’re just becoming a means to HER end… a part of her agenda.
It’s got nothing to do with you, really.
REASON #2: To Get Revenge on a Guy Who Scorned Her
Don’t cock teases tend to appear very confident and outgoing at first?
I mean, they seem to have no problem approaching strangers and not only striking up conversations, but actually having strangers do them favors, sometimes within moments of meeting them.
But the interesting thing is…
If you really get a look into their heads by hanging out with them when they’re not in that high energy environment, you quickly realize that their “zest” is just a performance…
… a performance to mask their extreme insecurities.
And with this kind of insecurity comes jealousy… and with jealousy comes revenge.
So why do women cock tease?
Sadly, as a form of vengeance.
Here’s how the plot works…
We all tend to project our experience of reality onto others — meaning we think everyone else sees and experiences the world just like we do.
And since insecure women get jealous when they see their crush with another woman, what do they assume about men?
That’s right.
They also think that if a guy who dumped them sees them with another man, he too will get jealous… and be forced into the kind of excruciating pain you could only experience in the ring with Hulk Hogan.
Who knows.
Perhaps he would feel like he was crushed by a bodyslam… depending on the guy or the situation.
But if he dumped her, I suspect, generally, he could probably care less.
Anyway, apparently that doesn’t stop them. Or maybe they know something we don’t. But women sometimes will “use” another guy to get back at their EX or someone they REALLY care about.
It’s got nothing to do with the guy they’re currently with.
He’s just a pawn in their strategy.
And the only reason she’s leading him on is so that he’ll be around when the guy who scorned her — the guy she REALLY cares about — enters the picture.
So why do women cock tease?
Sometimes, it’s an elaborate payback scheme.
REASON #3: To Get Another Guy’s Attention
Here’s a story a friend shared with me once…
There was a chick who had been interested in him for some time.
And one night, he went to a bar with one of his friends. She happened to be there too. So they chatted for a little when the evening was young and then he tried to ignore or avoid her.
Later, he took a different chick out onto the dance floor and they danced for awhile, then they went to go get a drink at the bar.
Here’s the neat part…
You know how sometimes you get that feeling you can’t quite place. Maybe it’s not even a feeling you notice. But you happen to turn your head for no apparent reason only lock eyes with someone who’s looking at you?
Very bizarre.
Well, that’s what happened to my friend.
And who does he see?
The chick he talked to earlier looking straight at him as she’s dragging his good friend onto the dance floor.
He knew immediately what was REALLY going on, though his friend probably had no clue that she was doing it just get my friend’s attention.
This was a subtle form of cock teasing.
Since women often seem to want the guy that all the other women want, some women tend to think men operate the same way.
And sure, some men do — the ones that fall victim to cock teasing.
So if, by cock teasing, a woman can prove that other guys want her, maybe she’ll catch the eye of the guy she really wants. By cock teasing other guys, she’s trying to demonstrate she’s desirable and worthy of him.
So why do women cock tease?
Sometimes, it’s to attract the attention of OTHER guys.
REASON #4: To Get Free Stuff and Special Privileges
Here’s another story for you…
Just the other day I was driving down a residential street and I noticed this cute chick walk up to the sidewalk.
She stopped as I passed, yielding to the oncoming traffic like a regular human being.
A car passed me going the other way shortly after as I looked in my rearview mirror to see if I could get a look at her ass.
Just kidding.
Actually, she looked like an old friend I hadn’t seen in years and I wanted to see if it was her. Ironically, this friend also happened to be a cock tease with a fairly decent ass.
The guy driving the car that passed me actually slowed down and came to a complete stop to let this chick cross the street.
And no, this wasn’t a cross-walk.
I almost couldn’t believe it. Actually, I can. But it’s just so ridiculous. I mean, if it was me, an old man, or even an middle-aged woman, would this guy have stopped?
Doubt it.
I bet he would have flown right past!
So with guys volunteering like this, is it any wonder some women not only know they can capitalize on their sex appeal, but they can do it with little effort, at will.
They can get away with it because there are a lot of guys who are sexually deprived.
And why buy something yourself when you can get someone else to buy it for you? Or why do something yourself when you can get someone else to do it for?
These are good questions.
And they’re probably questions cock teases have not only asked themselves many times, but actually act upon.
Cock teasing has a tendency to create the motivation in some guys to WANT to buy women things, and WANT to do things for women.
When women cock tease, some guys see opportunity — but it’s just an illusion with an agenda.
There’s just a tunnel with no end and no light.
Why Do Women Cock Tease?
Simply put:
Because they benefit from it in the short-term.
But more importantly, they cock tease because it WORKS…
Guys go out of their way for cock teasing women because, ultimately, they think it puts them closer to getting in bed with them — even if they don’t acknowledge this fact to themselves.
So here are the major reasons why you should NEVER tolerate a woman’s cock teasing behavior:
1) Women are human beings like everyone else and their physical appearance is not a legitimate reason to grant them special privileges.
2) It will not help you get the girl. In fact, it will do the opposite — it will just reveal to her that you have no backbone.
3) Give them an inch, they’ll take a… million miles. Let a cock tease know you’re a sucker and you practically give them permission to milk you for all you’ve got (and they won’t give you anything in return).
4) And just maybe it teaches women to essentially get “something for nothing”, which will kill their self-reliance and cause them to depend on others rather than themselves — on who they are as individuals.
Thanks for reading and best of luck in life and love.